Sunday, October 17, 2010

Apple Berry Crisp

As usual, it came to be Thursday evening and I realised that I needed a dessert recipe for Friday night. Every Thursday I say to myself 'Right, next week I'm going to plan dessert before Thursdy' ... inevitably it never happens that way. So Google is often my saviour on Thursdays! There are so many good recipes out there and this week I decided to do something differenty - I went with a video recipe.

The good news is that it forced me to go through the entire recipe at least once - I have a nasty habit of going through one 'Step' at a time as I make it and ofcourse come across a 'Meanwhile' or 'Pre-prepared' or something else that makes me swear. 

The recipe calls for 4 apples (peeled & sliced) and 6 cups of mixed berries, but I could tell that was going to be waaaay too much for 3people, so I decreased it 3 apples and 3cups of mixed berries. As it turned out, still too much, but that just means we get to have it 2 nights ;-)

Sprinkle the flour/sugar/lemon rind mixture over the apples & berries and mix through. This was when I realised that I should have decreased the recipe even more than I did... 
 The 'crisp' is just made up of flour, rolled oats, sugar, cinnamon and melted butter. I got to combine it with my hands which is always one of my favourite things to do when cooking! Sprinkle this evenly over the top of the apples & berries.

Its meant to go in the oven for 40-45 min but because I made it at home and then carted it over to the Pizzaman's place,  I cooked it for 30min at home in our oven, and then a couple hours later after pizza, cooked it a further 15min. It probably could have done with a bit longer as the apples were still a bit hard -but Mr Pink and the Pizzaman assured me they were nice that way... Still, a bit longer I think. Or thinner slices than I did... 
I forgot to take a picture before I started serving (I'm new at this ok! sheesh!) but I figure this helps show the insides as well and so is probably better anyway! I let it cool a little and then served it with ice-cream. I gave the boys 'decent' sized serves and we didn't even go through half of it.. I really need to learn how to decrease recipes appropriately! ;-)

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