Monday, April 18, 2011

Berry Sorbet

I needed a quick easy and somewhat healthy dessert (because I was feeling guilty about eating bad food for the previous few days!) and I came up with this one.

Very easy, and pretty darn healthy for a dessert. But requires more time than I gave it originally... The recipe suggested 2hrs in the freezer, I had to give it several days.

- 2 cups strawberries
- 2 cups blueberries
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/2 cup sugar
- pinch of salt

Step 1: Put all ingredients into a food processor. (Yes the photo has them in a blender, but trust me, this does not work. Well, at least when you're using frozen berries like I was. Use a food processor!) Puree until smooth.

Note: Because I used frozen berries, I think I probably added too much water to the mixture which may have contributed to the freezing difficulties...

Step 2: Pour the berry mixture through a sieve into a freezer-safe container. This step can take a bit of effort depending on how fine a sieve you use... probably took me about 5-10min to do completely.

Step 3: Freeze for apparently 2 hours but in reality more like 2 days (after 3hrs it was still runny so I left it for a few days to make sure it froze). Even then I found that it was a bit icy - don't get me wrong, still good and yummy, but a bit icier than its probably meant to be.

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